Breathe Deep and Receive

Breath & Integration Session
with Erno Van Doesselaar


An opportunity to deepen your connection with your Soul Essence 

To go beyond limiting beliefs,
old patterns and personal challenges.
Into being an inspiring creator

What is Breath & Integration ?

  • Soulbreath® is a unique breath meditation for all levels
  • A natural breath that connects you to your Soul Awareness
  • It enhances your body awareness & renews your energy
  • Soulbreath® is empowering yourself in many ways
  • It helps you to connect to your passion & inner joy
  • Enhances wellbeing, grounding & energy balance on all levels
  • Experience how easy it is to connect to your core naturally
  • Integration is the natural way of uniting with your Spirit while being in your body.
  • It creates a safe space where non-integrated past experiences can find deep inner peace and our body releases tension
  • limiting belief systems & old repetitive behaviour can fall away, while we practice with Soulbreath® breath awareness
  • Once integrated, experiences from our past become pure wisdom
  • It is a natural way of stepping into our oneness step by step
  • Allowing the rest to fall away one breath at a time
  • Without any force or judgement, only a loving space to unfold
erno van doesselaar soulbreath tt

Erno van Doesselaar

About Soulbreath®Teacher Trainer Erno van Doesselaar

Erno van Doesselaar discovered the power of his breath over 25 years ago during one of his meditations. It made him curious what this deep unconditional love was meaning?
And what could he do with it?
At the same time it was all very natural and it felt like an ancient connection with his spirit was revealed.
So for the following years he practiced this soulful breath regularly in his meditations and in his connections with animals and children. He experimented with it until he met his Breath Master, Norma Delaney in 2007 during a self love & self  awareness teacher training.

He felt a deep recognition when their eyes met and she strongly encouraged him to keep breathing deeper and to feel and connect to his Soul. He joined her Breath Teacher trainings, many Breath & Integration weekend workshops and had extra private sessions to keep evolving.
She made him much more aware of the power of his breath and showed him how he could communicate directly with his Soul. The essential part of her teachings was to integrate all this into his daily life... And that is how the real journey began...
Together with his extensive experience in spiritual teacher trainings, meditation and self-awareness trainings, this is how Soulbreath® was eventually created in 2012.

Erno's Soulbreath® has naturally become part of his daily life and comes back in all his teachings including Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing.
He is a Soulbreath® teacher trainer, yin yoga teacher, yoga Nidra teacher, Sound healing therapist and passionate Handpan player. Since 2022 he has especially dedicated his LIVE Soulbreath® Meditation Sessions to this sacred breath and in gratitude to his Breath Master Norma Delaney who crossed over 3 years ago. This as a powerful potential for people to gather and Breathe Together and to connect deeper to their pure Soul Awareness. These sessions are Free and Live Online every month.

Besides that Erno Van Doesselaar is available for Personal Soulbreath® Breath & Integration Sessions, Soulbreath® Teacher trainings, Yoga Nidra trainings, Sound Healing trainings and private workshops or private retreats on request.

Why would I book a personal session?

What is included?

  • A Personal Soulbreath® Breath & Integration Session is like compressing time and putting the focus on what is essential for you right now, in connection with your body, mind and Soul. So you can move forward freely and discover new potentials that you want to create.
  • A deeper integration of Soulbreath® into your body and mind. This will help you to feel naturally connected to your breath and encourage you more to implement it in your daily life. So that you can start to experience yourself more as the passionate soulful creator of your life, instead of living from unaware old patterns from the past.
  • It can be very helpful to dedicate a personal session to a specific situation in your life that you would love to go beyond now, because it has been circling around you for a long time. Or because you start to see that you always get the same unwanted result in relation to other people, work, career or partnership and you feel that is no longer good for you. 
  • To get into a deeper level of communication with your Soul. This will help you to create the life that your heart desires for. A life that is fuelled by your passion, inspiration, love and joy!
  • To generally become more aware of who you are beyond your personality and the roles that we have taken on. And to discover what role your mind is playing in your daily life. Why should you do this? Because the more aware that you become, the more conscious choices that you have. And by making conscious choices you can start to create your day in a soulful and loving way for you!
  • As a gift to yourself! Maybe to receive more love, more inspiration, more joy,
    or just to let yourself be surprised by what will come to you during the session :)
These slides will be slide-able on the live version of your page!

Personal Session with Breath & Yoga Nidra

"It is still hard to find the right words to describe my experience, because the Personal session with you that included Yoga Nidra, was very special to me. After searching for years and having tried all kind of therapies, I still had physical blockages that I got from a traumatic experience in my childhood. If I would be triggered by something my body would just freeze and then I could not react anymore. Because of that I felt often very unsafe in all kind of situations, even though they were basically ok or safe.
During the session with you, I could start to direct my breathing under your loving & compassionate guidance. Due to this conscious direction of my breath, I could start to feel the energy flowing in my body, where as long as I know, there had been blockages. Now I felt energies flowing throughout my body and I literally felt life in my body!  This experience has been so enormously valuable to me. I have received a tool that I can use whenever I need it. Because of this experience I have become a richer person! And I will always be grateful to you for this! "

A. from the Netherlands

butterfly transformation
Ms. Nameless
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Breath work was very enjoyable, fantastic tool

"Erno's yoga Nidra and breath work was very enjoyable, what fantastic tools to learn and carry with you through life. His open, calm and relaxed ways make him an easy person to trust. Allowing for letting go on a deeper level during his sessions". Austin from United Kingdom
butterfly transformation
Ms. Nameless
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Profound transformation and freedom

"With the Soulbreath approach to transformation that I received from Erno, I was able to experience a profound transition and freedom from some lingering grief, that had previously been stored in my body. One of the most valuable treasures I will carry in my life tool kit". D. Silver from United States

butterfly transformation
Ms. Nameless
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Sessie heeft mij vernieuwd en kracht gegeven
"Hoi Erno, Ik wil even zeggen dat gisteren me zoveel gebracht heeft! Ik sta weer heel anders in het leven. Vol inspiratie, enthousiasme, levendig en verwachtingsvol. Kortom klaar voor creaties vanuit vreugde! Mijn diepe dankbaarheid hiervoor, je doet echt geweldig werk".  J. uit Nederland
Nidra transformation
Ms. Nameless
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personal session with erno
€ 111,-

Personal Soulbreath®
Breath & Integration Session 
with Erno van Doesselaar

This session includes:
  • Soulbreath® Breath & Integration session to connect deeper to your breath and soul connection. 
  • Time and Space to let go of non-integrated past experiences
  • A variety of techniques wil be used in support to your integration and empowerment
  • Time for your questions and/or special topics that you want to address
  • Integration of new awareness & new energy into the body
  • MP3 recording of the Soulbreath® breathing session, so you can practice more at home
    The duration of this session is around 75 minutes

* After booking you will be contacted within 36 hrs for the exact date & time