yin yoga training ibiza

Join our Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Ibiza!

7 days intensive yoga teacher training on the magical island Ibiza 

the best combination: "yin yoga with Kata on Ibiza", according to many yin yoga tt graduates
taught by expert teacher trainer Kata van Doesselaar - Yoga Alliance accredited


taught Yin Yoga teacher trainings


certified yoga students

14 years

teaching international teacher trainings
become yin yoga teacher on ibiza

Discover the benefits of Yin Yoga

LAST TRAINING for 2024 :
20- 26  OCTOBER 2024 (5 spots left)

Join us on magical Ibiza for our popular Yin Yoga teacher training that we have been offering for 11 years worldwide. Including a lot of content and practices that help you unlock the transformational power and unique qualities of yin yoga. For example, did you know that yin yoga can be a great way to increase your range of flexibility in a very smooth way?  Or that it helps your body to detoxify?  For us yin yoga has been a very powerful tool to bring balance in our lives. To create a daily space where our body can let go and revitalise while our mind is slowing down. And that is just the beginning...

This course is a deeply transformative healing journey, it will help you to embody more yin energy in your life. Which will open a more loving, more still, more attentive and caring, enjoyable journey, than the fast paced western pattern.

In this yin teacher training we work with identifying and honouring the individual constitutions, skeletons, and needs, and we learn how to take care of each and every person. Learn about functional anatomy and fascia..and dive into the essence of the 5 elements, organs and meridian therapy from Traditional Chinese Medicine.

yin yang

Into deep relaxation

Discover how yin yoga can help you to let go of physical, emotional and mental tensions. A great way to calm your mind and connect deeper to yourself.
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Get to know our body

Our yoga practices and lectures   give a deeper understanding of our bodies, so we learn how to listen to the sensations and what we can do during our practice.

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Soften into flexibility

Learn how you can surrender and soften slowly into more flexibility without any effort, under professional guidance and in love towards yourself.

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Individual coaching

During this training you also learn how to facilitate yin yoga sessions and how to identify the important areas that need extra attention. Furthermore you will receive individual feedback and coaching on your teaching from Kata van Doesselaar.
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How to teach yin yoga?

You will learn to embody the yin  quality yourself through all our teachings. This quiet, nourishing quality will infuse your life and teachings with new energies. And through our precise instructions you will receive full guidance on how to teach yin yoga classes in a skilful, inspired and a safe way. 
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The art of sequencing

You will learn how to sequence your own yin yoga classes based on a variety of themes and focuses. So after certification you will be able to offer group and individual classes and workshops.

Kata Van Doesselaar - expert teacher trainer

About your yoga teacher trainer

Kata Van Doesselaar is practicing meditation and yoga for 27 years. She started her teacher trainer journey in 2010. After having studied more then 2000hrs with wonderful international Yoga teachers, she connected to the ancient roots of yoga and sacred teachings that transcend time and space. Her enthusiastic and compassionate way of teaching touches the Soul and empowers the human Self to be able to go beyond its limitations. She will teach you how to love yourself more and how to open your wings to fly with wisdom, grace and inspiration through the human journey and also as yoga teachers that inspire others.
Kata's message is that we all carry the divine sparkle within, and we should learn the right tools to awaken it and to keep it alive for a fulfilled life. That not only means happiness to us, but inspiration for others.

Her main teachers have been Shiva Rea, Sarah Powers, Rod Stryker, Lama Surya Das, Norma Delaney and Tom Myers. 
yin yoga teacher training ibiza

What can you expect from our 60h Yin Yoga teacher training?

  • Accommodation in a beautiful Ibizan style villa
  • Daily healthy & delicious vegan & gluten free meals
  • Sunrise and sunset rituals on amazing locations
  • 106 pages detailed manual
  • 60hrs Yin Yoga Certificate approved by Yoga Alliance
  • Functional Anatomy module
  • Energy work module with 5 elements and meridians
  • Myofascial physical & emotional release
  • Creative & transformational sequencing
  • Yoga philosophy and Buddhist psychology
  • Breath work and Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Nourishing feminine approach
YES, I want to book Now!

What is in your teaching program of this 60hrs yin yoga training ?

walking to the beach
walking to the beach

 60hrs yin yoga teacher program

- Yin yoga poses (all the basic poses & variations)
- Understanding the effects of the Yin poses from physiological, anatomical, energetic, emotional, mental and therapeutic perspective.
- Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (meridians, 5 elements)
- Understanding the holistic principles that apply to our health, body and our life. Learning how to balance the energy in specific meridians to change the health of specific organs. And how this can transform areas in our emotional, mental and  our practical-physical life.
- Learning to embody the yin quality in our life, opening up to surrendering, receptivity, compassion, stillness, self-love and acceptance.
- Learning one's own unique anatomical structure and principles for approaching each and every skeletal constitution in a unique way (learning adjustments, variations for each body type, and each pose)
- Modifications that can help with a therapeutic approach for problems such as back and spine problems, hip, pelvic, shoulder sensitivities, all kinds of joint, muscle and connective tissue complaints.
- How to use  props for each pose and each problem
- Philosophy of Yin Yoga (such as mindfulness, breath awareness, loving kindness)
- Learning to listen inwards, getting to know one's patterns, belief systems, what creates our perspective our life. And how you can shift them in a soulful way.

- Meditation techniques, mantras, breathing practices (Soulbreath®) to calm the mind to reveal one's deeper truths and rebalance ourselves.
- Learning how to create sequences from yin yoga poses according to one's intention, for individual use and group classes.

- Basics of a Yin-Yang practice and how to create sequences in that beautifully rebalancing style.

yoga teacher training Spain

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule Plan (can change according to the groups needs):

8.00- 8.45 Meditation
8.45-9.15 Breakfast - Early morning tea and snack
9.15-11.30 Morning Practice & Meditation & Lecture

11.30-12.30 Brunch buffet (v, vg & gf & sf)
12.30- 14.30 Theory, Exercises, Lectures.
14.30-16.30 Afternoon break: beach, reading, contemplation , me-time
16.00 Snack and tea
16.30-19.00 Afternoon Practice & Lecture 
19.00- Dinner

Every second evening a special session

yin yoga ibiza

Required readings

Requested Readings: (if needed you can also read these after the teacher training, but it is requested to read them for your certification)
Sarah Powers: Insight Yoga
Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a frantic world

certified yoga teachers

Approval & Certification

This  yoga teacher training is registered with Yoga Alliance® as YACEP'Continuous education'

This means that you can add these hours to your training hours, that you are required to be adding each 3 years, if you are already a registered yoga teacher. But you can also use these 60hrs to start to work towards your 200hrs / 300hrs / 500hrs RYT certificate with Rise & Shine Yoga School, if you are not yoga teacher yet. So with time you can take other in person (or online) yoga trainings with us, to build up your hours.

To get certified: You will have to complete a short written coursework on which you will get our feedback, and send in the book review of one of the required readings. Then you will receive your 60 hrs Yin Yoga Teacher certificate upon completion.

yin yang


from Canada

"My yin journey"

" The training program was excellent as were the lovingly prepared meals and the comfortable accommodations. The instructors are two beautiful souls that bring so much more to this experience than expected. Kata and Erno - thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience, and for accompanying me through this amazing journey. You have been a blessing in my life and the life of so many others. Namaste"

"Yin takes you into the magic within"

yin yoga training ibiza
€ 1700,-
Get your spot now with €150 SUMMER DISCOUNT


20 - 26 OCTOBER 2024

This truly life changing 60hrs Yin Yoga Teacher training comes also with:

  • Accommodation in an amazing nature setting, in a beautiful Ibizan style villa
  • Certificate approved by Yoga Alliance
  • After training student support
  • With Covid Flexibility Policy
    In case that you couldn't join us due to covid travel restriction regulations as lockdowns, border closure, or strict municipality travel limitation, we can rebook you to another date in the future at no extra cost. *This does not include having tested positive for CV19.
    Just like any other unexpected illnesses or injuries this is for your own responsibility.
    There for we strongly recommend you to be well insured with your travel insurance, including covid insurance.

    Participation fee:
    Price: full training, daily yummy meals and accommodation in shared room €1700
    (depending on the room, excluding the €150 SUMMER discount)

        Price: full training, daily yummy meals and accommodation in single room  €2050 

        (excluding the €150 SUMMER discount)

    Register TODAY as spaces are limited and we are filling up fast !   

You can book your spot already now with only €600 deposit!