Kata van Doesselaar
About your guide Kata van Doesselaar
Kata van Doesselaar started to feel that there is another dimension calling her beyond the tangible world, at an early age. She always felt there is some magic, that she could tap into in nature, and sometimes would hear voices, and would see things about people.
She would be empathetic from an early age on, and would feel and understand people, often reading their minds, or getting just information on them.
When 16, Kata started studying Yoga philosophy, astrology, meditation. And never stopped ever since.
She did her reiki I initiation at 18. Started channeling at 17, and read all books available, on new age spirituality, quantum physics, philosophy, theosophy, akashic records, conscious creation, and of course the divine feminine.
She met the right teachers at the right time, had a Kundalini awakening when 21.
Has been immersed in yoga, but also into energy healing, massage therapy, numerology, acupuncture , ayurveda, and the sacred conscious breath. A soulful Yoga teacher since 2010. Teacher trainer of Breath therapy since 2010, Yoga teacher trainer since 2014.
She has been offering personal readings, channels, tarot readings, since 25 years.
Had some incredible guidance and love supporting her in her own challenges, from the angelic realms.
She feels her purpose in this life is to help others reconnect to their sacred wisdom, and live a spirit-filled, embodied life while on this beautiful planet.
She remembers a lot of different ancient techniques and knowledge from previous incarnations, and she received in a message that her journey is about sharing these, and help others remember as well.
Are you ready to dive deeper into You, and open up to the magical powers you have within?
Choose the session that calls you the most, and let's get started!