A Free Guide to Happiness & Balance

Your FREE pdf booklet on chakras and yin yoga with simple tools to build balance  and awareness in your life.

  • Basics of Yin Yoga
  • Yoga poses for each Chakra
  • Basics of the Chakra's - How do we work with chakra's?
  • The 7 main chakra's - qualities and functions
Free Download
chakra yin e-book
chakra yoga training

"Yin Yoga has a nourishing, lubricating effect on our tissues,

and joints. It increases flexibility and encourages us to release stress & tensions on physical, emotional & mental level"

Kata van Doesselaar is a yoga teacher & senior yoga teacher trainer. She is offering yoga courses & retreats in Ibiza & worldwide.
With 27 years of studies in personal development & awareness she loves to transmit knowledge & tools for an empowered, happy & conscious life. Because at Rise & Shine Yoga School we have seen many students having their breakthroughs during our trainings and we have experienced it ourselves, we are very passionate about our way of teaching and sharing yoga. We would love to describe our yoga courses as: safe, sacred, transformational, down to earth, bright and graceful, creative and fluid, loving & empowering.

Kata van Doesselaar

Yoga Teacher- Teacher Trainer - Meditation Teacher -
Breath Therapist - Energy worker- Channeller -  Artist


27 years

Study & self development

17 years

Teaching experience


Certified yoga teachers


taught International yoga teacher trainings

Very inspiring teacher

"Kata is a wonderful teacher, very inspiring, passionate, open and attentive. Brings the highest wisdoms and insights down to earth so everybody can grasp it and absorb it. She is also sharing a lot of her personal experiences that makes her feel REAL and authentic."

K. from the United Kingdom

It has a deep effect on me
"Each combination of the yoga poses with the corresponding chakra worked deep on me, and made me realise much more about my own life and ways I work and function..cant wait to learn more from your courses!"

S. from Germany

Your FREE E-book on Chakras & Yin Yoga

Learn powerful and simple tools to build awareness.
Balance your life with Yin Yoga and simple energy work with the Chakras.

  • Yin Yoga poses for each of the 7 Chakra's
  • Learn about Yin Yoga and Chakra Harmonisation
  • Learn to recognise the symptoms of imbalances

    With a few simple practices you can create a bright new day!
Download Your PDF here!
chakra yin e-book